Joint School claimed  HBCU NC A&T's  College of Engineering and Electrical Engineering Research to justify funding?

GREENSBORO, N.C. - Three North Carolina A&T State University nanoengineering professors at the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN)  have been awarded research grants totaling $3.5 million. “The Department of Nanoengineering is off to a fast start in research,” said Dr. James Ryan, dean of the JSNN. “Competing successfully for $3.5 million in research funding in the department’s first year and a half of operation is a tribute to both the quality of these researchers and the value of their work.”... It is located in the Gateway University Research Park, South Campus, in Greensboro.  The awards are:
  • · “Computational Modeling and Enabling Technologies for Nano and Bio Systems and Interfaces,” $1.2 million from the Army Research Office. Dr. Ajit Kelkar, professor and chairman of the Department of Nanoengineering, is the principal investigator.
  • “A Study of GaAsSb (gallium arsenide antimonide) Nanowires by Molecular Beam Epitaxy for Near Infrared Applications,” $563,497, from the Army Research Office. Dr. Shanti Iyer, professor of nanoengineering and electrical engineering, is the principal investigator.
  • Nano to Continuum Multi-Scale Modeling of Cementitious Materials under Dynamic Loading,” $1.8 million from the Army Research Office. Dr. Ram Mohan, associate professor of nanoengineering, is the principal investigator .

Dr. Ajit Kelkar, Dr. Shanti Iyer and Dr. Ram Mohan are NC A&T researchers  pre-JSNN researchers.  The awards  dated 2011 are:

Dr. Ajit Kelkar, Organization - North Carolina A&T, HBCU, professor and chairman of the Department of Nanoengineering, address 2901 E. Lee St., award was for $1.2 million from the Army Research Office.

JSNN address is 2901 E. Lee St., and department is Nanoengineering.

Dr. Ram Mohan Organization - North Carolina A&T, HBCU, Associated Professor, Dept. Computational Science and Eng, Division College of Engineering, Street Address 1601 E. Market Street award was for $1.8 million from the Army Research Office.   Dr Mohan award was to Dept of Computational Science ,etc, address 1601 E. Market Street  unambiguous not to Dept. of Nanoengineering.
Dr. Shanti Lyer, Organization - North Carolina A&T, HBCU, Department Electrical Engineering, 1601 East Market Street, award was for $563,497, from the Army Research Office.  Dr. Lyer award was to  Dept. Electrical Engineering, address 1601 East Market Street unambiguous not Nanoengineering
NCA&T State University has been funded at an average rate of $3-5 million per year in the area of Nanoscience and nanotechnology.  Its illegal to falsify Government form information. NCA&T FY 2011 Sponsored Funding by Academic Units and Division indicate JSNN (Dr. Ajit Kelkar) was awarded $1,228,121 of Sponsored Research not the claimed $3.5 million dollars claim by JSNN Dean Ryan news release.

NC A&T and UNCG and Gateway University Research Park executed Memorandum of Understanding North Carolina A&T State,
University, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and Gateway University Research Park, Inc. ("MOU") dated February 2007 signed by Interim A&T Chancellor Lloyd V. Hackley, UNCG Patricia Sullivan, and John Merrill which stated Gateway Support of the Universities (1.2.3) Acquire, managing and operating the research equipment, facilities and land needed to conduct research at the Universities;
Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (Draft UNCG), say:
The General Assembly has appropriated $50 million in non-recurring capital funding to construct
the JSNN building, $8 million in non-recurring equipment funding, and $1.4 million in recurring
funding for operating costs. An additional $2.9 million in recurring funding for operating costs
has been included in the 2008-09 budget priorities and submitted to General Administration.
Requests to Plan the PhD and MS degrees in Nanoscience have been reviewed and approved by
the Graduate Council of UNC. A Management Agreement, which addresses mission and
organizing principles, governance, administration, the dean and faculty, curriculum/degrees,
support services, contingencies, and amendments/modifications has been written and
approved/signed by the NCA&T and UNCG Chancellors. The search for a founding dean is
underway and being coordinated by a professional search firm, and finalists has been identified
for campus interviews. It is anticipated that a founding dean will be in place during the summer
of 2008.
Necessary Resources
The current level of recurring operating funding is insufficient to support the personnel and programs necessary to operate the JSNN. Increased appropriations will be necessary over the next three years in order to attain the original request for recurring operating funding of $6.9 million.



Vaughn Robinson
SB 862/HB 257:UNCG/NCA&T Nanoscience/Nanoengineering Funds.
 There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina the sum of two million dollars ($2,000,000) for the 2012-2013 fiscal year to be used by the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering on the campus of the Gateway University Research Park of the University
of North Carolina at  Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University to hire permanent staff,  adequately maintain its equipment, and support operations. Beginning with the 2012-2013 33 fiscal year, these funds shall become part of the continuation budget.
  • Whereas, in its first 18 months of operation, prior to completion of its formal 11 facility, JSNN was awarded over $4 million in research funding and continues to work closely 12 with Gateway University Research Park to develop partnerships with high technology firms;
Unambiguous false claim of amount of Nanoengineering funded research was employed to obtain $2,000,000 dollars of recurring funded for Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering.